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Blogs > ‘The Future is Bleak, and the Future is Bright.’ What It’s Like to Be a Clean Energy CEO as Gas Prices Skyrocket

‘The Future is Bleak, and the Future is Bright.’ What It’s Like to Be a Clean Energy CEO as Gas Prices Skyrocket

Betsy Schaefer

April 3, 2022

Jason Few, CEO of FuelCell Energy

FuelCell Energy is one of America’s largest fuel-cell manufacturers, which operates 95 fuel-cell platforms, delivering more than 200 megawatts of clean energy across the U.S., Germany, and South Korea.

After taking over as FuelCell Energy’s CEO in 2019, Jason Few was tasked with navigating persistent challenges affecting the industry. Few’s experiences have helped him build a strategy to help businesses develop a safe, secure, and practical path to netzero.

Read the full TIME interview as Jason Few discusses leading transformational change, current clean-energy challenges, and why he owns three tankless water heaters.

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Betsy Schaefer

Betsy Schaefer joined FuelCell Energy in June 2021 and is Chief Marketing and Sustainability Officer. Previously, she led marketing for IBM’s Watson artificial intelligence product portfolio, helping commercialize Watson from a research project to a major platform with more than 40,000 customers globally. She built a progressive career in the IT industry, with extensive experience in corporate communications, speechwriting, brand management, thought leadership and marketing. Betsy holds a Master’s in Strategic Communications from Columbia University and a Bachelor of Arts from Purdue University.

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