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Value streams


Hydrogen produced from the fuel cell plant can be used to fuel zero-emission passenger vehicles.


The system will run on natural gas or directly on renewable biogas to produce clean power.


Water generated during the fuel cell system's process can be recycled and used for various purposes.

What is Tri-gen?

Our Tri-gen platform is capable of generating three value streams: hydrogen, electricity, and water. In a standard configuration, natural gas or renewable biogas are reformed inside the fuel cell into hydrogen, which then electrochemically reacts with air to generate power and heat. We believe that this emerging approach can serve markets at a lower cost with a lower environmental impact than existing alternatives.


Carbon-negative transportation

Tri-gen can be eligible for the State of California Low Carbon Fuel Standard and is considered carbon-negative by the California Air Resources Board (CARB). Renewable biogas can be used as the fuel source, generating power and heat for the wastewater treatment process while producing green hydrogen for transportation. 

Learn more about hydrogen fueling


Tri-gen for manufacturing

Tri-gen can create significant value for manufacturers that use heat in their production process. The fuel cell system's high operating temperature improves the efficiency of power generation and provides usable thermal waste heat. Heat can be used for metal processing, glass manufacturing, petrochemical, material handling, and more.

FuelCell Energy is demonstrating Tri-gen at our North American manufacturing facility. Ultra-clean electricity powers the manufacturing process, heat is used throughout the facility, and the hydrogen is used in the process ovens. Hydrogen produced on-site replaces the need to purchase hydrogen and transport it to the facility.

Idaho National Laboratory Testing of FuelCell Energy’s Electrolyzer to Show Further Commercialization Opportunity for Nuclear Power Plants Learn more