Our carbonate fuel cells are certified to operate off natural gas and digester gas under the California Air Resources Board’s (CARB) standards, expediting the permitting process in certain clean air districts. Outside the state of California, the CARB 2007 certification independently validates the clean air profile of our plants.
In 2003, our first commercial shipment was a 250 kW system that operated on digester gas for a brewery in Japan. Our team has since deployed more than 20 MW of fuel cell systems operating on biogas at wastewater treatment facilities, agricultural facilities, and breweries.
Our global service organization provides 24/7 monitoring of all installed systems, and is able to dispatch service technicians rapidly to site. We stand behind our systems with long-term service agreements that cover all internal components.
biogas-fueled projects have used our fuel cell technology.
11400 tons
of CO2 emissions avoided each year by the fuel cell plant in Tulare.
20 years
of proven operation in biogas-powered fuel cell applications.
operating hours from our biogas-powered fuel cell projects.
Idaho National Laboratory Testing of FuelCell Energy’s Electrolyzer to Show Further Commercialization Opportunity for Nuclear Power Plants Learn more